The SKIRT project
advanced radiative transfer for astrophysics
PTS reference
Hierarchical list of packages, classes and functions
[detail level 1234]
 NptsPython toolkit for working with SKIRT (PTS)
 NadminAdministrative facilities
 NdoAdministrative commands
 NbandFacilities for representing broadband filters, including transmission curve data
 NbroadbandClass for representing broadband filters
 NdoCommands listing and plotting built-in broadbands
 NdoExposing PTS functionality to the command line
 N__main__Execute one of the PTS command scripts from the command line
 NcommandExecute one of the PTS command scripts from the command line
 NinitializeInitialize PTS logging and matplotlib backend depending on use case
 NpromptAccess PTS command scripts and functions from the interactive Python prompt
 NsimulationFacilities interfacing with the SKIRT executable and simulation input and output files
 NdoCommands for working with HEALPix output from SKIRT
 NfitsHandling SKIRT FITS output files
 NhealpixHandling of HEALPix grids
 NsimulationRepresenting the files related to a SKIRT simulation
 NskifileReading from and adjusting a SKIRT parameter file
 NskirtExecuting the SKIRT command line application
 NtextHandling SKIRT text input/output files
 NunitsHandling SKIRT units
 NskiupgradeFacilities for upgrading SKIRT parameter files
 NdoCommands for upgrading SKIRT parameter files
 NskiupgradeContains the upgradeSkiFile function for upgrading SKIRT parameter files
 NstoredtableSupport for handling SKIRT stored table and stored columns formats
 NconversionspecFacilities for representing SKIRT resource conversion specifications
 Nconvert_bandFunctions for converting broadband transmission curves to stored table format
 Nconvert_copyFunction to "convert" stored table files by simply copying them
 Nconvert_enthalpiesFunctions for converting enthalpies to stored table format
 Nconvert_opticalpropsFunctions for converting optical properties to stored table format
 Nconvert_sedFunctions for converting SEDs and SED families to stored table format
 Nconvert_singlegrainFunctions for converting single-grain dust mix properties to stored table format
 NdoCommands for constructing and getting info on stored tables
 NioInput/output functions for files in the SKIRT stored table and stored column format
 NtokenizedfileRead a text file token by token
 NtestFacilities for testing SKIRT
 NdoCommands for testing SKIRT
 NfunctionalContains the SkirtTestSuite class for performing a suite of SKIRT test cases
 NutilsGeneral utilities
 NconfigConfiguration utilities
 NenvirSystem environment utilities
 NerrorCustom exceptions for use in PTS
 NpathSpecial paths related to PTS
 NvisualFacilities for visualizing SKIRT-related data through plots and images
 NdoCommands for visualizing SKIRT-related data through plots and images
 NmakergbimagesCreating RGB images for SKIRT simulation surface brightness output
 NmakewavelengthmovieCreating a movie that runs through all wavelengths in the SKIRT simulation output
 NmoviefileCreating a movie file from a sequence of still images
 NplotbandsPlot built-in broadbands in a given wavelength range or of a given family
 NplotconvergencecutsPlot planar cuts through the input and gridded medium density in a SKIRT simulation
 NplotcurvesPlot SEDs or other SKIRT output as a function of wavelength
 NplotgridsPlot a spatial grid wireframe produced by SKIRT
 NplotpolarizationPlot polarization maps from SKIRT simulation output
 NplotscalarcutsPlot planar cuts or projections for a scalar quantity from a SKIRT simulation
 NplotstoredtablePlot data from a SKIRT stored table file
 NplotvectorcutsPlot planar cuts or projections for a vector quantity from a SKIRT simulation
 NrgbimageManaging a color image in various representations