▼Npts | Python toolkit for working with SKIRT (PTS) |
▼Nadmin | Administrative facilities |
►Ndo | Administrative commands |
Ncreate_backup | Create backup archives for the SKIRT/PTS parent project |
Ncreate_resource_archives | Create publishable archives for SKIRT 9 resources |
Nlist_commands | List all PTS command scripts, per package |
Nlist_dependencies | List external package dependencies for PTS |
Nremove_pyc | Remove all compiled Python files from the local PTS repository |
Ntry_do | Test basic PTS command line functionality |
▼Nband | Facilities for representing broadband filters, including transmission curve data |
►Nbroadband | Class for representing broadband filters |
CBroadBand | An instance of the BroadBand class represents a broadband filter with a given transmission curve |
►Ndo | Commands listing and plotting built-in broadbands |
Nlist_bands | List all broadbands built into PTS |
▼Ndo | Exposing PTS functionality to the command line |
N__main__ | Execute one of the PTS command scripts from the command line |
►Ncommand | Execute one of the PTS command scripts from the command line |
CArgumentParserError | An instance of this class is raised as an exception when the argument parser wants to "exit" because of a user request for help or because of an error in the command line |
CCommandScript | The CommandScript class encapsulates a particular PTS command script |
CLoggingArgumentParser | This class overrides the output functions in the argument parser to send all output to the logger instead of directly to stdin or stderr |
Ninitialize | Initialize PTS logging and matplotlib backend depending on use case |
Nprompt | Access PTS command scripts and functions from the interactive Python prompt |
▼Nsimulation | Facilities interfacing with the SKIRT executable and simulation input and output files |
►Ndo | Commands for working with HEALPix output from SKIRT |
Nconvert_healpix | Create a projected image based on a HEALPixSkyInstrument output cube |
Nhealpix_to_planck | Create a Planck compatible all-sky FITS file based on the raw output of a HEALPixSkyInstrument |
Nfits | Handling SKIRT FITS output files |
►Nhealpix | Handling of HEALPix grids |
CHEALPixGrid | This class represents a HEALPix grid |
►Nsimulation | Representing the files related to a SKIRT simulation |
C_SimulationEntity | This class serves as an abstract base class for the Instrument and Probe classes |
CInstrument | An instance of the Instrument class can be spawned from a Simulation object to represent an instrument in the simulation, allowing to retrieve its attributes |
CProbe | An instance of the Probe class can be spawned from a Simulation object to represent a probe in the simulation, allowing to retrieve its attributes |
CSimulation | An instance of the Simulation class represents all input and output files related to a single performed SKIRT simulation |
►Nskifile | Reading from and adjusting a SKIRT parameter file |
CSkiFile | An instance of the SkiFile class represents a particular existing SKIRT parameter file (ski file) |
►Nskirt | Executing the SKIRT command line application |
CSkirt | An instance of the Skirt class represents a particular SKIRT executable, and allows invoking it with given command line arguments for execution on the local host |
Ntext | Handling SKIRT text input/output files |
Nunits | Handling SKIRT units |
▼Nskiupgrade | Facilities for upgrading SKIRT parameter files |
►Ndo | Commands for upgrading SKIRT parameter files |
Ntest_upgrade_ski_files | Test upgrading ski files to the latest version of SKIRT |
Nupgrade_functional_tests | Upgrade ski files for all or a subsuite of functional tests |
Nupgrade_ski_files | Upgrade ski files in a given directory to the latest version of SKIRT |
Nskiupgrade | Contains the upgradeSkiFile function for upgrading SKIRT parameter files |
▼Nstoredtable | Support for handling SKIRT stored table and stored columns formats |
►Nconversionspec | Facilities for representing SKIRT resource conversion specifications |
CConversionSpec | An instance of this class represents a particular specification for converting some original data (in some given format) to the SKIRT stored table format, and it provides facilities to actually perform the specified conversion by calling upon the appropriate functionality outside this module |
CConversionSpecs | An instance of this class aggregates a set of ConversionSpec instances with facilities to perform them as a group |
Nconvert_band | Functions for converting broadband transmission curves to stored table format |
Nconvert_copy | Function to "convert" stored table files by simply copying them |
Nconvert_enthalpies | Functions for converting enthalpies to stored table format |
Nconvert_opticalprops | Functions for converting optical properties to stored table format |
Nconvert_sed | Functions for converting SEDs and SED families to stored table format |
Nconvert_singlegrain | Functions for converting single-grain dust mix properties to stored table format |
►Ndo | Commands for constructing and getting info on stored tables |
Nconstruct_skirt_resources | Construct all or part of the SKIRT resources from original data |
Nconvert_text_to_stored_columns | Convert column text file to SKIRT stored columns format |
Nfsps_to_stored_table | Convert FSPS-generated SED family to stored table format |
Nfsps_with_lines_to_stored_table | Create FSPS-generated SED family including emission lines as stored table |
Nlist_stored_table_or_columns_info | List basic metadata for a SKIRT stored table or stored columns file |
Nio | Input/output functions for files in the SKIRT stored table and stored column format |
►Ntokenizedfile | Read a text file token by token |
CTokenizedFile | This class allows reading a text file token by token (where tokens are separated by whitespace), while still allowing to skip complete lines where needed |
▼Ntest | Facilities for testing SKIRT |
►Ndo | Commands for testing SKIRT |
Nclean_functional | Remove the output for all or a selection of the standard functional SKIRT tests |
Nendorse_functional | Endorse the current output of standard functional SKIRT tests |
Ntest_functional | Perform all or a selection of the standard functional SKIRT tests |
►Nfunctional | Contains the SkirtTestSuite class for performing a suite of SKIRT test cases |
CSkirtTestSuite | An instance of the SkirtTestSuite class represents a suite of SKIRT test cases, stored as a nested structure of files and directories according to a specific layout, and provides facilities to perform the tests, verify the results, and prepare a summary test report |
▼Nutils | General utilities |
Nconfig | Configuration utilities |
Nenvir | System environment utilities |
►Nerror | Custom exceptions for use in PTS |
CUserError | An instance of this class should be raised by PTS scripts when a fatal problem is most likely caused by a user error as opposed to a programming error |
Npath | Special paths related to PTS |
▼Nvisual | Facilities for visualizing SKIRT-related data through plots and images |
►Ndo | Commands for visualizing SKIRT-related data through plots and images |
Nmake_images | Create RGB images for surface brightness maps generated by SKIRT instruments |
Nmake_wavelength_movie | Create a movie that runs through all wavelengths in the SKIRT simulation output |
Nplot_bands | Plot built-in broadband transmission curves |
Nplot_convergence | Plot convergence density cuts from one or more SKIRT simulations |
Nplot_density | Plot planar density cuts or projections from one or more SKIRT simulations |
Nplot_grids | Plot the spatial grids used in one or more SKIRT simulations |
Nplot_magnetic_field | Plot planar magnetic field cuts or projections from one or more SKIRT simulations |
Nplot_opacity | Plot planar opacity cuts or projections from one or more SKIRT simulations |
Nplot_polarization | Plot polarization maps from SKIRT simulation output |
Nplot_seds | Plot the SEDs produced by one or more SKIRT simulations |
Nplot_sources | Plot the luminosity of and packets launched by one or more SKIRT simulations |
Nplot_spectral_resolution | Plot the spectral resolution of a wavelength axis |
Nplot_stored_table | Plot a selected curve from data in a SKIRT stored table file |
Nplot_temperature | Plot planar temperature cuts or projections from one or more SKIRT simulations |
Nplot_velocity | Plot planar velocity cuts or projections from one or more SKIRT simulations |
Nmakergbimages | Creating RGB images for SKIRT simulation surface brightness output |
Nmakewavelengthmovie | Creating a movie that runs through all wavelengths in the SKIRT simulation output |
►Nmoviefile | Creating a movie file from a sequence of still images |
CMovieFile | An instance of the MovieFile class allows creating a movie file from a sequence of still images |
Nplotbands | Plot built-in broadbands in a given wavelength range or of a given family |
Nplotconvergencecuts | Plot planar cuts through the input and gridded medium density in a SKIRT simulation |
Nplotcurves | Plot SEDs or other SKIRT output as a function of wavelength |
Nplotgrids | Plot a spatial grid wireframe produced by SKIRT |
Nplotpolarization | Plot polarization maps from SKIRT simulation output |
Nplotscalarcuts | Plot planar cuts or projections for a scalar quantity from a SKIRT simulation |
Nplotstoredtable | Plot data from a SKIRT stored table file |
Nplotvectorcuts | Plot planar cuts or projections for a vector quantity from a SKIRT simulation |
►Nrgbimage | Managing a color image in various representations |
C_CubicSpline | An instance of the CubicSpline class implements a function composed of three cubic spline segments of the form |
CRGBImage | An instance of the RGBImage class represents a single RGB color image, i.e |